router settings

Using broadband router to share Internet access, we must through the broadband router, and need to share Internet PC settings, here the author use Zhongyi wider broadband router software to gradually to explain, assume that the user has to all hardware were correctly connected. only for everyone to explain how to set up a broadband router to share Internet content, general broadband router settings interface and functions are similar, so these settings apply equally to other broadband router products.

How to set router IP address?

1, broadband router settings. After the completion of the hardware connection, we need to have a LAN port with the broadband router to connect the PC to carry out the specific settings. Before setting up, we should confirm that the machine has been equipped with TCP/IP network protocol, the author uses the XP operating system, other operating system platform is basically the same, the following to see how we need to configure the PC. Configuration settings TCP/IP PC option: right click on the desktop icon, click on the "properties" option. In the pop-up window, select the local connection, right click the option "property" option. At this time, in the pop-up dialog box, double-click the Internet protocol (TCP/IP) option". In the pop-up dialog box, select "use the following IP address" option, then we can set up the IP PC address. Broadband router factory IP address are generally, so we at configuration time need configuration PC settings and broadband router in a network segment. Here, we set the IP address of the to be PC, subnet mask, the default gateway is Through the above settings, we can visit the router for the configuration of the specific work, first of all, double-click the desktop IE browser and input IP address in the address column. First, double-click the desktop IE browser in the address bar, enter the address of the IP. When the input is entered, we can see the router's configuration interface. Because it is the first configuration, the default is not required to verify the user name. Some broadband router will require a user name and verification, such as D-Link products, the default user name is Admin, the default password is empty, when encountered a user name and password authentication products, we can see the product specification in the user name and password related content. Then, we click the install wizard option, and then enter the router's configuration wizard interface. This page will show a welcome interface for the configuration wizard, which we can directly click next to continue to configure. This time there will be a Internet access interface, in this interface we can choose according to their own broadband lines, at present, the use of more broadband access lines are CABLE, MODEM ADSL and Cell Broadband three, if it is MODEM CABLE line, we can choose the first, and ADSL and residential broadband lines we can choose second. Here we assume that the user is using the ADSL line, select second, click next to continue configuration. Next, we need to choose what kind of landing approach to landing, the general telecom operators are using the PPPoE dial-up way to manage users, so here we choose the first, and then click next. After clicking on the next step will require the user to fill in a number of information, PPPoE dial there will be a user verification process, we need to provide information to the telecom operators to enter the dialog box. Click next. After filling the necessary information, the router will allow you to select the IP address type, most users are using the IP address automatically assigned by the telecom operators, here we choose the first complete this configuration. Note: Here we introduce how to use broadband router configuration wizard to automatically configure, experienced users can also be based on their own needs to manually configure the broadband router, it is recommended to manually configure broadband router should be detailed to see the product description. 2, set the PC share on the Internet: Well, to have these on the broadband router settings, broadband router has been able to provide PC with NAT conversion function, but this time we can not access the Internet, because it is also necessary to carry out some TCP/IP options on the client machine to achieve the internet. In fact, the user can also open the DHCP function of the broadband router, so you do not need to be set on the PC machine can automatically get IP address and default gateway, DNS and other information. However, since the performance of the broadband router will have a great impact on the performance of the DCHP, we recommend that you use this static method to allocate the IP address, to get higher performance. First, and just the same as the broadband router, we right click on the local connection properties of the Internet, open dialog, select the TCP/IP option, select the Internet protocol (TCP/IP) option in the TCP/IP option, the default gateway, DNS, the default gateway, C this several options, in the local area network, we use the IP address of the private IP class 192.168.0.x, where the X here should be different, such as, Sub network mask XP operating system will be based on your input IP address automatically generated, it is recommended that users do not modify. Here also need to remember that, in general, our broadband router is set to this address, so our customers can not use this IP address, otherwise it will cause IP address conflicts and all the machines can not share the internet. After setting up the IP address of the PC, we set the default gateway to the IP address of the broadband router, and our PC will send a connection request to the broadband router when it is on the Internet. Finally, we set up the DNS server, this option according to different regions of the different and line suppliers, will be different, here we enter, users can according to their own broadband lines, to set up a specific. Well, through this setting, the PC in the LAN can be shared through broadband router. Summary: through all the steps above, we will be able to use broadband routers to share the Internet, broadband router, there are a lot of more advanced features, such as DHCP, security, etc., readers can understand these options from the IT168 site specific application method, according to their actual needs to carry out the appropriate configuration.

